Accuro Underwriting is a leading provider of insurance services for care homes in the UK. As an experienced and knowledgeable team, we have developed a comprehensive range of products to meet all your clients needs as an Insurance Broker. With our expertise and experience, you can be sure that Accuro will provide you with the great coverage for your clients’ care home business.
At Accuro, we understand how important it is to keep up-to-date with changes in regulations and industry trends so that our clients get the most out of their policies. We also know how much time brokers spend on research when looking for suitable cover options – which is why we offer tailored solutions designed specifically around each individual client’s requirements.
Our approach ensures that risks are accurately assessed before any policy decisions are made; this helps us identify potential issues early on so they can be addressed quickly and cost effectively without compromising quality or service levels at any stage throughout the process.. We also provide ongoing support after purchase too – not just during initial setup but throughout its lifetime – ensuring your clients always receive maximum value from their policies over time as well as peace of mind knowing everything has been covered correctly from day one!
By choosing Accuro Underwriting for Care Home Insurance, brokers can benefit from:
• Comprehensive risk assessment prior to policy decisions being made;
• Tailored solutions based upon specific customer requirements;
• Ongoing support post purchase until renewal date arrives;
• Cost effective pricing models which take into account current market conditions & trends within sector itself.
And lastly but certainly not least – unbeatable customer service every step along way! Ultimately by selecting us here at Accruo Underwriting ,brokers will find themselves providing better protection than ever before whilst simultaneously saving both precious time & money due our expert knowledge & understanding industry inside out !
If you would like to apply for an Agency at Accuro please complete the attached form HERE